Fall 2021: A joint project to install kiosks to enhance the backcountry experience for visitors to Wabakimi Provincial Park --help us celebrate the upcoming 40th Anniversary of Wabakimi P.P.
2022 projects: Canoecopia! Improved map products. Wabakimi Rendezvous.
2022 projects: Canoecopia! Improved map products. Wabakimi Rendezvous.
Dear Wabakimi paddlers!
We're asking for your donations! Friends of Wabakimi (FOW) is working with Wabakimi Provincial Park to protect and promote this resource as a world class canoeing destination for the benefit of future generations as well as the local economy. This is our Second FOW fundraising effort. Your DONATION NOW will help improve the Wabakimi Wilderness paddling experience and strengthen our partnership with Wabakimi Provincial Park. Vern Fish, President, FOW donate ONLINE HERE!Wabakimi Provincial Park will provide 50% of the funding for the Kiosk design and installation*: Friends of Wabakimi has a three-stage goal for our share : 1) $2,500 CAD for development & design costs & $2,000 for installing the first Kiosk, 2) Another $2,000 (or more) for a second Kiosk. (clearly we need more than one) 3) Up to $1,500 (depending) for commissioning a local First Nations artist for artwork which captures the essence of wabakimi/wildlife as part of our Kiosk. (and possibly other reproductions in support of this effort) Our total goal is to raise $8,000. (this is what we raised in the fall of 2020 in support of the Debris Removal Project. If we raise more, we can always fund additional kiosks.) * Only a small part of Ontario Park’s budget comes from provincial taxes. Most of the funds to maintain, manage and protect Wabakimi Provincial Park come from day-use and camping fees, rentals, partnerships and donations. Your donation will go directly towards a project that benefit visitors to Wabakimi! Your contribution will help Wabakimi Provincial Park celebrate its 40th Anniversary. The plan is to finish the design work in 2022 and complete installation in 2023.
Enhance Wabakimi Provincial Park visibility!
Armstrong, Ontario (The Gateway to Wabakimi!) is 254km (158 miles) from Thunder Bay, where the park office and staff are located. Kiosks will provide:
This collaborative effort is the result of FOW’s process of consultation with park staff.
------------------------- With over 10,000 lakes, Wabakimi is one of the most expansive protected paddling destinations in all of North America!
In 2021, Wabakimi stayed open, as other parks restricted and/or closed their backcountry to camping and canoeing due to severe fires. |
Our goal is to raise $8,000 CAD for this 2021-23 project! So far we've raised $8,189.
At the conclusion of our campaign, we'll have a random drawing for all contibutors who donated $50 CAD and over. The winner will be sent an Ostrom Wabakimi Pack. Please Donate Now! Large or small it’s all needed and appreciated. Please consider following table:
Donations may also be sent to: Friends of Wabakimi, 1060 Riverdale Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7J 1N2 or 3488 Kingswood Place Waterloo, Iowa 50701 Canadian Donors can receive a charitable donation tax receipt by contributing online to Ontario Parks (not Assn.), via CanadaHelps.org (Drop down menu to "My Park" and in message box enter "Wabakimi Kiosk Project") OR directly to:: Ontario Parks, 300 Water Street, 6th Floor South, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 3C7 * To make a contribution by credit card over the phone call 705-313-2462, 9-4 EST weekdays.* *Specify Wabakimi Kiosk Project" to be credited towards this FOW/WPP effort . Also email [email protected] with your amount, so we can credit it to our running total. (Eligible Canadian donors receive a tax receipt for every donation over $25.) ![]() Next Steps: The Wabakimi Stewardship Initiative Going forward the FOW (and hopefully others) will support stewardship activities to protect, restore and enhance the ecosystems within and surrounding Wabakimi Provincial Park. This will help Wabakimi meet the following Ontario Parks objectives: 1. Protection of natural and cultural features 2. Provision of ecologically sustainable outdoor recreation 3. Natural and cultural heritage education 4. Fostering research |
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