Applications are now open for 2025 survey volunteers. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, so apply early! Please read the requirements below carefully before applying, and contact us with any questions. |
Please Note: Many of the items below include links to online forms or samples of the required item. Please check links for more information. Pre-Trip forms and Post-Trip forms will be sent by email to participants selected for this year’s trips, to be completed online.
Applicants must:
Please note that two members of each survey team must have valid Wilderness First Aid Certification. Click here for a partial list of course providers.
Pre-Trip Requirements:
All Participants:
During-Trip Requirements:
Post-Trip Requirements:
All Participants:
Trip Leaders:
Applicants must:
- Be a Friends of Wabakimi member in good standing
- Have wilderness travel experience including a minimum of two wilderness canoe trips of 5 or more days
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Complete the online application: Wabakimi Boreal Caribou Citizen Monitoring Project Application for Participation (Click here to preview questions)
Please note that two members of each survey team must have valid Wilderness First Aid Certification. Click here for a partial list of course providers.
Pre-Trip Requirements:
All Participants:
- Participate in all pre-trip training including:
- Attend mandatory Introductory Training webinar: May 4, 2025
- Watch Emergency Preparedness video
- Watch MapsGPS67i and inReach video
- Read Project Manual and In-Field Handbook
- Group members meet (in person or via zoom) to plan trip logistics
- Use the Pre-Trip Forms (shared by email once selected to participate) to read and complete the following:
- Sign Voluntary Assumption of Risk Agreement (click to view)
- Sign Sharing Agreement regarding photos/videos/information (click to view)
- Sign Training Acknowledgement form (click to view) stating that all training has been completed
- Sign Search and Rescue Insurance Acknowledgment form
- Two people in the group must upload proof of current Wilderness First Aid training (click to see sample)
- Communicate with Project Manager (re: questions/concerns, acquisition of provided gear/data kit, ie: InReach/GPS, Data Kit, and how data will be turned in afterwards)
- Upload Park/Crown Land permits required for trip
- Upload Trip Plan Form (See sample)
During-Trip Requirements:
- Follow Leave No Trace principles
- Respect all wildlife and be vigilant in avoiding any disturbance to caribou
- Follow all caribou data collection protocols and record all required data and photos
- Follow communication and safety protocol
Post-Trip Requirements:
All Participants:
- Use the Post-Trip Forms to complete/upload the following:
- Expense reimbursement record form, and copies of itemized receipts, if grant dollars are available
- Feedback Form
- Promptly upload caribou evidence photos to link provided and share with the Project Manager
Trip Leaders:
- Return all GPS/Communication devices and Field Kits
- Turn in all data sheets contained within In-Field Handbooks
- Submit any First Aid Incident Reporting Forms
- Submit Trip Report (PDF copy) with photos/narrative for newsletter