See us at Canoecopia 2020 March 13-15, Madison, WI. A first draft of our Wabakimi Canoe Routes Guidebook will be there to review. This will be the first comprehensive Wabakimi area guide.
We’re planning a get together Sat. evening. So check in with us at our table. The FOW Annual meeting with be held Sunday morning, 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. (Enter the adjacent Clarion Hotel via the front lobby where you will be directed to the Voyageur Room.) Members in good stand can vote; but all interested person may attend. Vern Fish will present his President’s report on our progress. Please connect with us at this event! Please considering joining us! Two FOW board members are presenting seminars: Vern Fish and Mary Jean Blaisdell!
Have you been thinking of taking a wilderness trip alone or with others and haven’t done so yet? In this presentation, Mary will take you on her personal journey of completing a 6-night solo in the Boundary Waters by taking one step at a time and planning for success. By setting small goals to achieve each trip and identifying and resolving apprehensions along the way, she upped her game a little at a time